πŸ“Œ Do this within 20 seconds of guitar solos (PRO TIP!)

20 seconds...

That's how long a player usually lasts in the 1st position of the minor pentatonic scale before running out of ideas.

Anything past that 20-second mark sounds boring.

So what do you do?

Well, you just move to a higher position on the neck, which acts as a sort of "reset."

But there lies our problem, Reader.

Transitioning between positions is hard to pull offβ€”it usually sounds really awkward and unmusical.

​​Watch this video to learn how to effortlessly transition between positions, so you can improvise longer and keep your playing fresh and exciting.​​

video preview​

Here's what you'll learn in the video:

  • When you should move to another position
  • Which notes to aim for when switching positions
  • The 3 best shapes you should use to make the transition

πŸ“Œ ​Watch the video now to learn how to improvise for hours.​​


Also, when you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1) Join the Guitar Playback Academy for $1.
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2) Join Primal Guitar
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